

MS2D - Quantum Simulations of Lattice QCD: Long-Term Goal or Near Future?

Fully booked
Monday, June 3, 2024
HG E 1.2


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Session Chair


The rapid advancement of quantum technologies in recent years holds the potential to revolutionize various areas of physics where classical computations are prohibitively expensive. One prominent example is the study of strong nuclear interaction, where getting predictions at high baryon densities and making full use of extensive experimental efforts is especially challenging due to the sign problem in the existing Monte Carlo approach. Despite all the theoretical and computational research conducted so far, no systematic solution has been found for this issue using classical computers. The proposed minisymposium aims to delve into the recent progress in lattice gauge theories from two complementary perspectives: classical and quantum simulations. We intend to discuss the current status of large-scale lattice QCD projects running on leading HPC centers, as well as publicly available cloud-based quantum computing facilities. Additionally, we will touch upon the question of scalability in such computations and discuss the latest experimental developments that make these computational advances possible. Our goal is to assess the potential to chart the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter across a wide range of densities, based on recent progress in quantum industry, experimental research, and theoretical foundations.


From Quantum Links to D-Theory: A Resource Efficient Framework for the Quantum Simulation of Gauge Theories

Quantum link models provide an extension of Wilson's lattice gauge theory in which the link variables have operator-valued entries. For example, in a U(1) quantum link model the link variables are raising and lowering operators of quantum spins that belong to a link-based SU(2) embedding algebra. For non-Abelian SU(N), Spin(N), or Sp(N) quantum link models, the embedding algebras are SU(2N), Spin(2N), and Sp(2N), respectively. In contrast to Wilson's framework, quantum link models can be realized in a finite-dimensional link Hilbert space corresponding to a representation of the embedding algebra. This is well suited for a resource efficient implementation of quantum link models in quantum simulation experiments. The quantum link dynamics can be embodied with a finite number of well-controlled states of ultra-cold matter, including atoms in an optical lattice, ions in a trap, or quantum circuits. For example, using dual variables, a densely encoded quantum circuit has recently been constructed for a (2+1)-d U(1) quantum link model on a triangular lattice that shows qualitatively new nematic phases with rich confining dynamics.

Uwe-Jens Wiese (University of Bern)
With Thorsten Kurth (NVIDIA Inc.)
EuroHPC's Quantum and Classical Computing Infrastructure and Applications

I will describe the EuroHPC strategic agenda that aims to provide quantum computing and classical exascale computing infrastructure for European science and industry. Some applications that will be supported for a hybrid QC+HPC solution will be discussed and prospects for lattice gauge theories in a quantum computing era will be mentioned.

Sinead Ryan (Trinity College Dublin)
With Thorsten Kurth (NVIDIA Inc.)
Quantum-Computing Inspired Excursions into Particle Physics

Computing methods on classical computers have dominated the discovery frontline from the fundamental physics for several decades now. It is however becoming clear that at least in physics, there are several computational avenues where development is only possible through the methods of quantum computation. These are areas exploring the finite density phases of quantum chromodynamics, and other strongly interacting physics, as well as real-time dynamics. At the same time, it makes sense to keep improving the techniques of classical computing methods using clever analytical insights to provide further input to the quantum computing frontier. In this talk, we will discuss some selected applications illustrating these ideas for concrete systems of physical interest in condensed matter and particle physics, which can be realized in quantum hardwares in the recent future.

Debasish Banerjee (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
With Thorsten Kurth (NVIDIA Inc.)
Open Discussion

Discussion between academia and industry representatives.

Marina Krstic Marinkovic (ETH Zurich)
With Thorsten Kurth (NVIDIA Inc.)