Minisymposium Presentation
Quantum-Computing Inspired Excursions into Particle Physics
Debasish Banerjee did his PhD at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (Mumbai, India) on the physics at finite temperature and density of strongly interacting matter. His contributions to the studies of diffusion constant of heavy quarks in the quark-gluon plasma and novel algorithmic techniques to study finite density bosonic systems were well appreciated by the community. During his first postdoctoral position, he collaborated with Uwe-Jens Wiese and Peter Zoller to propose (among) the first simulators to study phenomenology of strong interaction physics. Subsequently, he had postdoctoral positions at DESY, Zeuthen, a visiting position at Max Planck Institute for the physics of complex systems at Dresden, a German Science Foundation funded position at the Humboldt University with himself as the PI, and then a permanent position at the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics. Debasish has since then worked in various related areas of effective field theories, conformal field theories, aspects of thermalization and lack thereof in strongly interacting gauge theories.
Computing methods on classical computers have dominated the discovery frontline from the fundamental physics for several decades now. It is however becoming clear that at least in physics, there are several computational avenues where development is only possible through the methods of quantum computation. These are areas exploring the finite density phases of quantum chromodynamics, and other strongly interacting physics, as well as real-time dynamics. At the same time, it makes sense to keep improving the techniques of classical computing methods using clever analytical insights to provide further input to the quantum computing frontier. In this talk, we will discuss some selected applications illustrating these ideas for concrete systems of physical interest in condensed matter and particle physics, which can be realized in quantum hardwares in the recent future.