Minisymposium Presentation
EuroHPC's Quantum and Classical Computing Infrastructure and Applications
Sinéad Ryan is Professor and Chair of Theoretical High Energy Physics at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Her research focus is the numerical simulation of quantum chromodynamics, the theory of the strong nuclear force, in an approach known as lattice QCD. A particular interest of hers is understanding strong exotic matter and the physics of the early universe.Precision lattice QCD calculations require state-of-the-art HPC resources and the field has been at the forefront of hardware and software development for more than 30 years. Sinéad's research has been enabled at leadership-class HPC resources through the US INCITE and European PRACE programmes. Sinéad has served as the Chair of the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee, Vice-Chair of EuroHPC's Infrastructure Advisory Group and she was co-Chair of PASC 2021.
I will describe the EuroHPC strategic agenda that aims to provide quantum computing and classical exascale computing infrastructure for European science and industry. Some applications that will be supported for a hybrid QC+HPC solution will be discussed and prospects for lattice gauge theories in a quantum computing era will be mentioned.