Minisymposium Presentation
Open Discussion
Marina Marinkovic is an assistant professor in computational physics at ETH Zurich, where she is leading a High Performance Computational Physics research group as of February 2021. While studying theoretical physics at the University of Belgrade, Marinkovic spent the final year of her undergraduate degree (2008-2009) at DESY Zeuthen and the University of Graz as a scholar of the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research. She obtained her PhD in the Computational Physics Group of Humboldt University in Berlin (2009-2013) and from there went on to a postdoctoral position at the University of Southampton (2012-2014). As an acknowledgment of her strong potential for independence and leadership in theoretical particle physics, Marinkovic was recognised by a prestigious CERN fellowship (2014-2017), followed by the Hitachi Assistant Professorship at Trinity College Dublin (2016-2019) and a junior professorship at LMU Münich (2020-2021). Besides her work on theoretical aspects of lattice gauge theories, Marinkovic has experience in porting and optimising physics codes on IBM Blue Gene/P at Jülich Supercomputing Center, HLRN in Berlin and Hannover, HLRS in Stuttgart, Blue Gene Q in Edinburgh, Altamira in Spain, CSCS in Switzerland, TH cluster at CERN, Research IT facilities at TCD, Ireland and LRZ near Munich, Germany.
Discussion between academia and industry representatives.