Minisymposium Presentation
Panel Session
Dr Nick Brown is a research fellow at EPCC with research interests in data engineering, machine learning, parallel programming language design, compilers and runtimes. He is a work package leader in VESTEC, an EU FET HPC project, which aims to fuse HPC with real-time data for urgent decision making and as part of this is responsible for the HPC side of this project. He has worked with both industry and academia, for instance managing a project using machine learning to optimise the interpretation of well log data in the oil and gas industry. He has worked on a number of large scale parallel codes including developing MONC, an atmospheric model used by the UK climate and weather communities which involves novel in-situ data analytics. He is also interested in micro-core architectures, developing ePython, a very small memory footprint Python interpreter with parallel extensions, for many core, low memory chips. Nick is a course organizer on EPCC's MSc in HPC and data science courses, as well as supervising MSc and PhD students.
Teresa Cervero got her PhD in Telecommunication Engineer by the Univ. of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) in 2013 with a thesis focused on dynamic reconfiguration based on FPGAs for video and hyperspectral image processing. After that, she worked a few years as a consultant, and later explored the entrepreneurship path as part of a small tech start-up; period in which she moved from hardware to software Moving back to research, she joined Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) in 2020 as Leading Research Engineer in Computer Science department. Her current research interests are focused on design and development of RISC-V based accelerators for HPC, and FPGA-based emulation and acceleration tools and systems. From the moment Teresa joined BSC till 2023 she played the role of hardware coordinator of the MareNostrum Experimental Exascale Platform ( project, funded by EuroHPC JU. Currently she is leading the Laboratory for Open Computer Architecture (LOCA) initiatives with the aim of fostering inter-departmental and international collaboration at BSC, as part of the Severo Ochoa Programme. In addition to that, she is member of the Red-RISCV network ( and the Steering Committee of the RISC-V Summit Europe ( She also contributes to HPC open hardware ecosystem by organizing events that put together professionals interested in the field to present new ideas, novelties on different layers of the stack, and products. These events also facilitate sharing knowledge, experience, and networking among the participants
This panel will explore the issues and aspects raised during the mini-symposium, cutting across the themes to explore overlap and divergences between the technologies and view points