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Flash Poster Session - Part I

Monday, June 3, 2024
HGF 30-Audi Max


Session Chair

Erik W. Draeger - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


The aim of this rapid-fire session is to allow poster presenters to introduce the topic of their poster and motivate the audience to visit them at the poster session scheduled on the following day. Presenters will have 30 seconds to engage the audience.

P01 - Accelerating the Computation of Koopmans Functionals Using the SIRIUS Library

Giovanni Consalvo Cistaro, Nicola Colonna, Iurii Timrov, Anton Kozhevnikov, Nicola Marzari

P02 - Accurate Machine Learning Force Fields via Experimental and Simulation Data Fusion

Sebastien Röcken, Julija Zavadlav

P03 - Additively Preconditioned Trust Region Strategies for Machine Learning

Samuel Cruz, Ken Trotti, Alena Kopaničáková, Rolf Krause

P04 - Advancing Fault Tolerance in Graph Processing Engines Based on Total Order Multicast

Ekkehard Steinmacher, Fernando Pedone, Olaf Schenk, Patrick Eugster

P06 - Atlas as a Unified Data Structure Interface for Computation on Heterogeneous Architectures

Slavko Brdar, Willem Deconinck, Michael Lange

P07 - Automatic Generation of Block-Structured Grids on Complex Ocean Domains for High Performance Simulation

Sara Faghih-Naini, Daniel Zint, Vadym Aizinger, Jonathan Schmalfuß, Roberto Grosso, Julian Stahl

P08 - Complete Asynchronous Task-Based Implementation of a Particle-In-Cell Code: Performance Studies and Benchmark

Juan José Silva Cuevas

P09 - Contribution of Latent Variables to Emulate the Physics of the IPSL Model

Ségolène Crossouard, Masa Kageyama, Mathieu Vrac, Thomas Dubos, Soulivanh Thao, Yann Meurdesoif

P10 - Controlling Parallel CFD Simulations in Julia from C/C++/Fortran Programs with libtrixi

Benedict Geihe, Michael Schlottke-Lamkemper, Gregor Gassner

P11 - The Coulomb Perturbed Fragmentation (CPF) Method

Fazeleh Sadat Kazemian, Jorge L. Galvez Vallejo, Giuseppe Barca

P12 / ACMP01 - DeCovarT, a Multidimensional Probabilistic Model for the Deconvolution of Heterogeneous Transcriptomic Samples

Bastien Chassagnol, Grégory Nuel, Etienne Becht

P13 - A Distributed LogStore Design with Multi-Reader, Multi-Writer Semantics for Streaming Applications

Aparna Sasidharan, Anthony Kougas, Xianhe Sun

P14 - DynaHGraph: Learning Hidden Relationships in Dynamic Graphs

Kurtis Shuler, Lekha Patel

P15 - Enabling Message-Driven Architecture Evaluation for the Extreme Heterogeneity Era with MOSAIC

Patricia Gonzalez-Guerrero, Anastasiia Butko, Chris Neely, Farzad Fatollahi-Fard, Jordi Wolfson-Pou, Mario Vega, Thom Popovici, John Shalf

P16 - Enhancing Aerosol Predictions on the Global Scale with Particle-Resolved Modeling and Machine Learning

Nicole Riemer, Zhonghua Zheng, Jeffrey H. Curtis, Justin L. Wang, Po-Lun Ma, Xiaohong Liu, Matthew West

P18 - Exact Conservation Laws for Neural Network Integrators of Dynamical Systems

Eike Mueller

P19 - Fast and Scalable Algorithms for Selected Matrix Inversions

Lisa Gaedke-Merzhäuser, Vincent Maillou, Alexandros N. Ziogas, Mathieu Luisier, Olaf Schenk