P07 - Automatic Generation of Block-Structured Grids on Complex Ocean Domains for High Performance Simulation
Climate change research increasingly relies on interdisciplinary scientific studies utilizing advanced computational methods. For modeling climate compartments, the choice of the underlying grid is difficult; therefore, unstructured grids are often preferred. An alternative are block-structured grids (BSGs), a topological unstructured mesh of blocks, where each block contains a structured mesh. We present methods, validation, and computational performance evaluation for a range of BSG techniques: [Standard BSG] a method of automatic creation for complex ocean domains with a configurable number of blocks (Zint et al., 2019) and (Faghih-Naini et al., 2020); [Masked BSG] an improvement allowing for masking out parts of the blocks (Zint et al., 2022) and (Faghih-Naini et al., 2023) and [Hybrid BSG] the combination of unstructured blocks and structured blocks in one block-structured grid. Ongoing work will be presented for the hybrid approach, leveraging both block types. The unstructured blocks enable detailed modeling of complex domain features, while the structured blocks enhance computational efficiency. Through this hybrid grid approach, we aim to achieve a balance between the need for a detailed representation of the domain and computational expediency.