Minisymposium Presentation
Ethical and Societal Considerations in HPC Education and Training
The increasing quantities of data and rapid advances in AI have sparked discussions around ethical considerations of computational research and societal ramifications of technology applied to every aspect of our lives. What about High Performance Computing? Is the use of HPC neutral in the contexts of fairness, societal impact and accessibility? What does that imply for HPC education and training? How should we educate the current and future generations of computational scientists and Research Software Engineers to maximise benefits of HPC and computational science for individuals and society and minimise risk and harm? How should we teach research ethics and integrity when we struggle to define what they mean for HPC?
As educators, can we increase awareness of the costs and benefits of HPC? What can we teach about effective use of resources and minimising the impact of research utilising HPC on the environment? What should be done to make HPC more accessible and can we make it a viable career option for underrepresented groups? Will AI be democratising or polarising for HPC, and how do we teach appropriate use? The goal of this presentation is to start a discussion and gather community feedback to start outlining best practices.