Neil P. Chue Hong is the Director of the Software Sustainability Institute and Professor of Research Software Policy and Practice at EPCC, University of Edinburgh, U.K. He works to enable research software users and developers to drive the continued improvement and impact of research software through advances in policy and practice. His research interests include software sustainability, research software ecosystems, and the impact of research software policy.He contributes to research software policy and practice through many different routes, and across many different disciplines, and is currently chair of the ExCALIBUR (the UK’s exascale computing programme) steering committee, and a member of the BBSRC Transformative Technologies Strategic Advisory Panel, EOSC Scholarly Infrastructures for Research Software Task Force, Helmholtz Federated IT Services Advisory Board, HiddenREF Steering Committee, and UKRI Net Zero Digital Research Infrastructure Steering Committee. Neil is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Open Research Software, co-chair of the Software Engineering for Science (SE4Science) workshop series, and co-author of "Best Practices for Scientific Computing" and "An Open Science Peer Review Oath". He received the M.Phys. degree in computational physics from the University of Edinburgh and is a Fellow of the British Computer Society.