Minisymposium Presentation
Panel Discussion
Elaine M. Raybourn, Ph.D., is a social scientist in Applied Cognitive Science at Sandia National Laboratories. While at Sandia National Laboratories she has worked with the UK as a guest researcher at British Telecom; Germany (Fraunhofer FIT), and France (INRIA) as a Fellow of the European Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM). She was the Sandia National Laboratories Institutional PI for Interoperable Design of Extreme-scale Application Software (IDEAS-ECP) from 2018-2023, and currently supports the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science next generation software stewardship. She led the exascale computing project (ECP) panel series on "strategies for working remotely" which was featured in ASCR Discovery Magazine in 2022. Her research focuses on complex socio-technical systems of scientific software teams of teams, collaborative immersive virtual environments, transmedia learning, HPC AI/ML ethics, and the diffusion of innovations to incentivize program modernization and cultural change. She is a certified Agile Product Owner and holds a Graduate Certificate in Modeling and Simulation of Behavioral Cybersecurity from the University of Central Florida. Dr. Raybourn was the Super Computing (SC21) Scientific Visualization & Data Analytics Showcase Chair, and the Conference Chairman of IT2EC 2019 which was held in Stockholm, Sweden.
The minisymposium will conclude with a panel discussion moderated by the minisymposium organizer and featuring the invited speakers. The panel will be moderated as a conversation addressing audience questions about pathways to foundations including potential challenges, benefits, and next steps.