Minisymposium Presentation
FFTX, SpectralPack and Beyond
We present the design of the API and runtime environment of FFTX as well as future project directions. FFTX is developed as part of the DOE ExaScale effort by LBL, Carnegie Mellon University, and SpiralGen, Inc. We aim at translating the LAPACK/BLAS approach from the numerical linear algebra world to the spectral algorithm domain. FFTX is extending and updating FFTW for the exascale era and beyond while providing backwards compatibility. Unlike traditional math libraries FFTX utilizes the SPIRAL code generation system and runtime compilation as backend implementation and execution. A key innovation is the concept of "integrated algorithms" that allows for cross-library call optimization. We will discuss how we are leveraging the FFTX software stack post ECP for cross-motif applications.