Minisymposium Presentation
A Vision of Quantum-Centric Supercomputing
Quantum computing systems continue to scale in size and quality. Furthermore, errorresilience approaches start to enable interesting computational regimes opening whatwe call the era of quantum utility. In this era, the integration of quantum with HPCbecomes critical to unlock the full potential of both technologies in a way that exceedsthe capabilities of either one alone. Our vision for the path forward is quantum-centricsupercomputing: quantum algorithms and routines supported by multiple quantumcircuits with the aid of classical pre- and post-processing and classical high-performanceelements.The development of tightly integrated systems with quantum and classical elements isessential for this vision. Not only will they provide an invaluable development frameworkfor computational scientists, both quantum and classical, but they will also provide atesting ground for the joint optimization of classical and quantum resources needed torun utility scale hybrid workflows.Given the fast development of quantum technologies, we believe now is the time tobridge the gap between classical and quantum computing to define and shape a newera of supercomputing.