Minisymposium Presentation
EarthWorks: Scaling a Fully Coupled Climate Model to Run at Ultra-High Resolutions
EarthWorks is a US NSF-funded project that is led through Colorado State University with a partnership through NCAR which aims to run a fully coupled Earth system model at 3.75 km resolution, global storm-resolving resolutions. The EarthWorks’ model configuration leverages the infrastructure of the Community Earth System Model (CESM) to couple the CAM-MPAS model with the MPAS Ocean, MPAS Sea Ice, and the Community Land Model (CLM) models.Our fully coupled model configuration has been successfully tested in multi-year simulations down to the 15 km resolution on CPU’s, with shorter functional tests being completed at our target resolution of 3.75 km. In order to achieve our performance targets, we need to create a GPU resident version of our model. This presentation will focus on the refactoring work that is well underway and the acceleration that has been obtained thus far. We will also discuss the software engineering challenges that this project has faced and how they have been overcome.