
Minisymposium Presentation

Development of a Performance Portable Geometric PIC Code

Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Climate, Weather and Earth Sciences
Climate, Weather and Earth Sciences
Climate, Weather and Earth Sciences
Chemistry and Materials
Chemistry and Materials
Chemistry and Materials
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
Humanities and Social Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences
Life Sciences
Life Sciences
Life Sciences


The fully kinetic Vlasov-Maxwell coupled to an appropriate collision operator contains all the physics for describing the evolution of a magnetic fusion plasma in a Tokamak or a Stellarator. However, the Vlasov equation is posed in a 6D phase space, so that it requires huge computational resources and very efficient codes on modern supercomputing architectures in particular on GPUs. Moreover, very long time computations are required for most relevant physics problems. For this reasons, keeping at the discrete level the hamiltonian structure of the continuous problem is a huge asset. This can be obtained by a so-called geometric Particle in Cell (PIC) discretization, which discretizes the Poisson bracket and the Hamiltonian leading to the Vlasov-Maxwell equations rather than directly the equations themselves.For an efficient and performance portable implementation we rely on the AMReX framework which offers performance portable data structures for grid based as well as for particle quantities. We will present the latest developments made in the code and the different models that have been implemented.
