Professor Cheng Siong Chin is a Chair Professor in Intelligent Systems Modelling and Simulation at Newcastle University and one of the Editors-in-Chief for Cybernetics and Systems, Taylor Francis. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Control Engineering at Research Robotics Centre at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in 2008 and his M.Sc. (Distinction) in Advanced Control and Systems Engineering from The University of Manchester (formerly UMIST) in 2001. Professor Chin received a B.Eng. (Hons) degree in Mechanical and Production Engineering from Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Before moving into academia, he worked in the consumer electronics industry for a few years. Professor Chin obtained 7 Economic Development Board (EDB)-Industrial Postgraduate Programme (IPP) and 2 Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) grants from the Singapore government in intelligent systems design, simulation, and predictive analytics as a PI and Co-PI. He has obtained over 170 publications, 5 authored books, 2 Singapore Patent Applications, and 3 US Patents. He published in AI-related conferences like EANN/EAAAI, IJCNN, AIAI, and DCASE. He also received the DCASE2019 Judges' Award in IEEE AASP Challenge on DCASE2019. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE Access Journal, Applied Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Transportation Electrification Community (TEC) eNewsletter, and editorial board member of Electronics. He has served as General Chair, Keynote Speaker, Session Chair, and Technical Committee at numerous international conferences.