


Ana Lucia Varbanescu holds a BSc and MSc degree from POLITEHNICA University in Bucharest, Romania. She obtained her PhD from TUDelft, The Netherlands, and continued to work as a PostDoc researcher in The Netherlands, at TUDelft and VU University in Amsterdam. She is a MacGillavry fellow at University of Amsterdam, where she was tenured in 2018 as Associate Professor. Since 2022, she is also a tenured Adjunct Professor at University of Twente. She has been a visiting researcher at IBM TJ Watson (2006, 2007), Barcelona Supercomputing Center (2007), NVIDIA (2009), and Imperial College of London (2013). She has received several NWO grants (including a Veni grant) and she has been a co-PI for the EXTRA EU project. Her research stems from HPC, and investigates the use of multi- and many-core architectures for HPC, with a special focus on performance and energy efficiency modeling for both scientific and irregular, data-intensive applications.

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ACMP06 - Finding Optimistic Upper Bounds for Task Graph Throughput on Heterogeneous Systems Using Linear Programming

Tuesday, June 27, 2023 19:30
Climate, Weather and Earth Sciences
Chemistry and Materials
Computer Science, Machine Learning, and Applied Mathematics
Applied Social Sciences and Humanities
Life Sciences
Stephen Nicholas Swatman, Ana-Lucia Varbanescu