Siddhartha Mishra is a Professor for Computational and Applied Mathematics at ETH Zurich and a core faculty member of ETH AI Center. Mishra’s research interests are in numerical analysis, scientific computing, nonlinear PDEs, machine learning, high-performance computing and applications to physics and engineering. Mishra’s research has been recognized with many awards and honors including the ERC Starting Grant (2012), ERC Consolidator Grant (2017), GAMM Richard Von Mises Prize (2015), ECCOMASS Jacques Louis Lions Medal (2018), ICIAM Collatz Prize (2019) , INFOSYS prize in Mathematical Science (2019) and SIAM Germund Dahlquist Prize (2021). He has been an invited speaker at many leading international conferences including the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM), Rio De Janiero, 2018.